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Welcome to the AAPA Provider Directory brought to you by the AAPA Division on Practice in collaboration with the Asian American Psychological Association. The aim of our directory is to connect Asians and Asian Americans to culturally aware providers who are prepared to meet your needs.

Jocelyn Randall, LICSW
Accepting New Clients
Yun Garrison, Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist
Accepting New Clients
Brittan Chow, LMFT
Accepting New Clients

Brittan Chow, LMFT

  • She/Her/They/Them
    Rupa Puri Zimmermann, Ph.D.
    Accepting New Clients
    Sheetal SIledar-Lee, PsyD
    Accepting New Clients
    Judy Huang, MA, LMFT/LPCC
    Accepting New Clients


    We are connected to providers all across the United States and the world. This directory can help you find experts based on location and your preferred modality of treatment.


    Our providers hold a variety of skills and areas of expertise, including a diverse range of theoretical orientations, such as CBT, DBT, psychodynamic, tele-therapy, and more.


    Our providers come from different cultures and we speak many languages - our personal experiences enrich the professional treatment we provide to the AAPI community.

    Providers in our directory have background and interest working with individuals who are ethnically Asian and/or Asian American. We understand that culturally-informed care expands past ethnicity and intersects with many other aspects of who you are. So, please know that culturally-responsive care doesn’t mean your provider matches your identity, but that they are competent in working across diversity variables to honor your needs.

    This Provider Directory was created by the Division on Practice within the Asian American Psychological Association to assist clients in locating a provider that may best serve their needs. The DoP and AAPA do not verify the licenses or credentials of the providers. In addition, DoP and AAPA do not refer, recommend or assign clients to specific providers. It is the client’s responsibility to confirm whether or not their chosen provider is a good fit, presents accurate information, and is appropriately credentialed. Providers reserve the right to accept or deny service.